Sunday, October 25, 2009

arghh...exam mood...

da lame aifa ta msuk blog..adei..ta sempat+malas..huhu...
tggl smnggu g na xm..fenin la...riso pown de gak...sbb paper b'turut2 kot...6,7 n 8 nov...kinda killer subject gak r...hrp2 mama slalu doakan aifa..huhu..aifa pown ta penah lupe doa,mtk ngn Allah supaya pe y aifa study masuk pale n mudah aifa jwb xm t. tape2..aifa yakin, Allah sntiasa ada tuk bantu aifa. Sbb arwah atok pown penah ckp, kalo kite rse ta kuat, lemah, buntu..kite kene yakin bahawa Allah sentiasa ada di sisi kite.haa..Innallaha ma'ani..^^,
Aifa doakan sume kwn2 aifa success xm t..huhu...aifa rndukn kwn2 aifa...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

OPICK in UIAM???^^

Assalamualaikum sume...^^

Aq da lme xpost news kt aq nyer blog neyh..adesss...
xde mse r..haha..pmls pown de..agagaga...
Nyway,aq de news tuk korg..Haa..!!de spe2 mnat OPICK x?Ala..kt TV9 slalu je de men lgu die..especially lau lam cite indon 2 haa..
Cam lam citer Taqwa..huhu..y nyanyi lagu Taqwa 2,OPICK la..^^
Alahai..korg knl x neyh?..adess...

ni la OPICK..hihi..
ok la..pada sesape y mnat ngn OPICK or lagu2 die cam
Taqwa,Satu rindu,Rap
uh, Bila waktu telah berakhir,Ketika cinta memanggil,and byk lg laa..haa,jgn lupe tau nti.
a 6 Ogos 2009 nti,die akn wat show kt UIAM.sempena ngn kulliyyah aq nyer 1st time die dtg,spe2 y mnat die or lgu2 die, jgn lpe nti dptkn tket ke show 2 nti.
untuk outsiders, just RM15 je taw..huhu..lau student
UIA,dpt r RM7.^^
Haa..jgn lupe tau..lau xmnat,ckp kt kwn2 or member2 y mnat ea?dtg rmai2...^^ Ma'assalamah..^^

A Father...


A father is a person w
ho is loving and caring

He often knows what we have in our mind

He is someone who listens,s
uggests and defends

He can be one of our very best friends

He will always proud of out triumphs

When things goes wrong,
he'll be our guide and strength

A father toil with hands and heart

Just to make our lives co

A father's life is busy...but still...

There's always time for us...^^

A Father meant so many things...

The understanding heart

The source of strength and support

The constant readiness to help

The encouragement and forgiveness

A special generosity and always affection

Dear my only AYAH...
I'm so sorry if i ever hurt your feeling, if i ever talk to you so many silly things, if i ever hate you with all my heart...
I'm so sorry if i ever trouble you,if i ever burden you,if my cries cause you to not get enough rest,if my naughtiness cause you to be so stress...

Each years passes and you changes a lot
But i even more glad
More grateful and happy
Just to call you AYAH...
It doesnt matter who my father was
But it does matters who i remember he was...
I jut cannot think any need in my childhood till now
as strong as i need for a father's protection
Thank you for the chances and those sweet moments
That we ever spent to share our love...
I'm sorry for the anger and those silly thoughts...
Though we fight, my love will always there for you..
May ALLAH bless your life..Ameen..

Saturday, March 21, 2009


When you were 1,she fed you and bathed you.
You thanked her by crying all along the night.
When you were 2,she taught you to walk.
You thanked her by running away whenever she called you.
When you were 3,she made your yummy meals with full of love.
You thanked her by tossing your plate on the floor.
When you were 4,she gave you some crayons.
You thanked her by coloring the dining room table.
When you were 5,she bought you a nice dress.
You thanked her by wearing it and play with mud.
When you were 6,she walked you to school.
You thanked her by screaming,"I'm not going to school".
when you were 7,she bought you some stationeries like you've asked.
You thanked her by receiving it without any words

When you were 8,she handed you an ice-cream.
You thanked her by dripping it all over your lap.
When you were 9,she started to pay for your tuition fees.
You thanked her by just playing around during classes.
When you were 10,she drove you wherever you asked her to.
You thanked her by jumping out of the car and never look back.
When you were 11,she took you and your friends to the movies.
You thanked her by asking her to sit in the different row.
When you were 12,she advices you not to watch certain TV shows.
You thanked her by waiting till she left the house.
When you were 13,she suggested you a haircut.
You thanked her by saying that she had no taste.
When you were 14,she paid for your school trip.
You thanked her by not giving her a call or any sms while you were there.
When you were 15,she came home from work and looking for a hug.
You thanked her by keeping your bedroom locked.

When you were 16,she taught you to drive her car.
You thanked her by using it in a wrong way.
When you were 17,she expecting some important calls.
You thanked her by being on phone all along the night.
When you were 18,she cried happily for your flying color SPM result.
You thanked her by warned her not to force you to follow her suggestion bout your future education.
When you were 19,she paid for your abroad study, drove all over the way to the airport and carried your bags.
You thanked her by just say goodbye without any warm kiss or hug for her.
When you were 20,she asked you to write to her if you have any free time.
You thanked her by saying "I dont have time to write to you mom."...

Every single years,you always thanks to your mom without any concerns on her feeling.You talk to her without looking into her eyes. You did something without listen to her words.You even forgot bout her birthday because too busy with your partner.You almost forgot to appreciate your mom and to care bout her.The worst is that,you even forgot to do a very simple thing, to say how much you love and need her in your life than other person.
Start to think and consider then. If your mom still around,never forget to love her and to told her that you love her more than ever.But if she's not around,always remember her unconditional love and pass it on...As we only have A MOTHER in our lifetime. (^^,)

My Mom My Everything ^^

This is my mom.A mother the most precious gift that given to every child in this world, as well as me.She's the one who gave me chance to see this whole world.She taught me a lot bout life. She ever told me that," Sun shines during days because the moon wish to do his duty at night so that he could met his little brothers, stars who had been cursed to only appear at night." That was the nicest thing she ever told me bout this world.^^

It was mom who gave birth of me. She is the first person that gave me a warm kiss soon after my birth.She breastfeed me whenever i'm thirsty.She fed me with yummy food whenever i'm hungry.She always be by my side whenever i'm scared and started to cry.My dad ever told me that the first word that come out when i started to talk is 'Mama'. Mom really care bout me.When i'm sad,the person that comes across my mind is mom.When i'm happy, the person that i really wanna share with is mom.When i'm not feeling well,i'll miss my mom's love and care.A couple days before exam,its mom that i'll give a call to get her bless and support.The one that i really wanna see most when i'm going back home is Mom.Overall, mom is always the person that i really need in my life.(^^,)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

hye everyone.^^
aq de something nk tulis kt cney aq amek kt fs aq, sorng kwn tulis psl mende ni..sudi2kan bace ek.^^:

[...ramai yg stil mncari alasan utk mmbolehkan 14feb disambut walaupun mereka mngetahui bahawa ianya adalah HARAM~..
mengapa ia HARAM?
kerna coupling itself pun mmg dah jelas HARAM~..
mengapa couple is HARAM?
couple ialah hubungan yang x direstui oleh Allah.. klu kite balik kisah adam dan hawa.., ape hub mereka? suami isterikan..? mean, suatu hubungan yg sah antara bukan mahran adalah bermula dgn akat nikah.. bkn juge bertunang..
Explain skit sal bertunang ni..
tunang adalah sesi perkenalan antara dua buah keluarga utk same2 memahami serta membuahkan hubungan yg baik dlm proses myatukan dua buah keluarga..
Apekah batas2nyer?
dlm mase bertunang ni.. hub ngan tunang stil sperti ajnabi yg lain.. cume, disini pasangan ini akn punyai org tengah utk bekomunikasi dan berbincang.. selalunyer, ibu akn djadikan org tengah.. tp yet, hub itu stil sbgai ajnabi..
"hari ini pemikiran dan seluruh kehidupan kita dijajah oleh orang kafir. Islam tiada sempadan, hanya orang kafir yang meletakkan sempadan dan jajahan, dan kemudiannya kita ikut. Orang kafir dah kuasai minda kita, kehidupan kita, hingga orang Islam hari ini melakukan perkara yang menjauhi diri daripada Allah"...]

Sunday, February 22, 2009 da lama xbkak blog ney.bkn pn bkn rajin sgt nk bkak2 blog ney.buat bnda alah ni pown kwn aq(mak) y rekomen.hehe..oh ya,isu kali naq rase aq nk ckp psl MENIPU AND DITIPU.haha..nk tau nape?sbab ramai dikalangan kita ney sbnrnya kaki menipu and ramai gak y sebenarnye da ditipu.adeh..gawat, kan,aq pun ske gak aq menipu xde ar truk sgt.tipu time terdesak je,cnthnye ble aq nk mntk duit ngn abg2 xksah ar org nk mnipu ke, aper ke kn.lantak korang ar,dosa korang y aq xley blah nyer ble de lak satu spisis ni,mnipu sampai merosakkan maruah and imej orang.pulaknyer kan,y ditipu tu bkn org len, tapi orang2 y rapat ngn die,pastu orang y knonnye dianggap sedara sendiri.cett!!xley blah tol!!ye ar,kalo sedare sndiri kan,sanggup ke tipu sampai maruah and imej dorang tercemar? da la menipu,memburuk-burukkan keperibadian orang lak tu.ish..ish..ish..spisis ape la org ni kn.. tp kan,lawak gak die ni.die nk mnipu tp xpndai.slalu kantoi.Allah Maha Kuasa..maybe nk tunjuk ar tu.haha..k nk blah lu.papae p'kmbangan t aq akn smbung blik isu ni.tetibe je perut aq rase be continued..salamualaikum..

Sunday, January 18, 2009

sMekom Wat sUmer...nk Tau x ceNggAne cAra2 tUk menGhiLangKan kEseDihAn?? kt bWh ni dE ar cKiT tips2 tUk kOrg cuBe.LeTs chEck iT ouT!^_*..

1) kumPuLkan sUmer kesediHan koRang, paStu koRang nangiS ar sAtU haRI sAtu maLam saMbiL keNangkan kesediHAn koRang Tu..Ha3..nak cuBe LebIh dari SaTu hari sAtu maLam pUn takPe..

2) Tido..koRanG tiDo n janGan bangUn2 keCuaLi untUk soLaT anD bUanG aIr...kUi3...

3)beRsihkan biLik koRang saMbiL gelak dEnGan kuAtnyE...kaLo taknak oRang deNgaR, koRang gELak tanPa kuarkan bunYi.camnEr?? pandai2 ar koRang..ha3..

4)Gi BerEnaNg or mEnyELam,bagI yaNg panDai jE ar.kaLo korang Tak pAndai eitheR one, janGan bRani nak maMpus cuBe2 buat.kALo koRanG waT jUgaK, tULis aWal2 saTu notes ckP koRang buat bKn seBab terPengAruh ngAn bLog Aq.paHam??

5) koRang kua maKan reraMai,paStU Lepak nGn membEr2 koRang tu Kat satu teMpaT yang menJadi LaLuan oRang rAmai.HAh!mesTi akan aDa pErkaRa yanG akaN buaT koRang gELak nyeR ar..caYe Ar!!

6)koRaNg tRy teNgOk TV Show kOreA.ExaMpLe: LovE LettEr, FamiLy oUtiNg,x-mAn n yg SaMa waKtu deNgannYe..caMner nk cAri??bKak U-Tube n type jE.t JumPe aR.He3..

7)JOgginG or bEriAdah.

8)menJAhiT(aq xtaU ar jadI ke TAk caRA ni, tp tRy je Ar..)

9)maSak!hah,buAt caM Lam saTu TV sHow tu,KANchEoNg KitChEn..(aq xtAu aR toL ke x NmE rAncanGan tU..) meSti gemPak GiLeR!!

10) Gi kArAokE. mEsti kOraNg akAn GeLak biLe denGar sEndiri SoRe koRang yaNg sumBang tu..erKK...

11)HaH!!kaLo tak JaDi gak, korang tRy cAra BerSihKan sumEr tanDas kaT bLok koRanG.mEsti BaU2 yAng mEnyEnGat2 hiDunG kORang aKan buaT korAng rAse nAk piTam n HiLang inGatan.seCarA otoMatiknyEr, keSedihan korAng puN akAn sediKit dEmi SediKit hiLang.hi3...

12) Last SkaLi, KaLo tak jAdi gaK,koRanG tRy ar cAra yAng Lebih afDaL, buat baNyak2 iBadaH n BerdOa AgaR koRang kUAt seManGAt n KesEdiHan koRang tu tAkkan meLemaHkAn iMan koRang..hi3...

koRang janGan ar rELy saNgat kaT tipS2 yaNg aKu baGi ni.kAlo tAk Jadi, janGan aR mArah aq pAstu kuTuk2 bLog Aq..xBek Tau..seBaik2nye, seRAhKan seGaLanya pAda ALLAh.kiTa hanyna merAncaNg, tApi DIA yang meNentukan segaLAnya....WASSALAM...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

smekom.kaba neng kono?waras opo orak? try spiking jawe,kalo salah...bkn slh aq, tp slh kwn aq yg ajar aq!!ha3..erk..arini aq pn tak bape ingt ar da ari y ke bape krisis air melanda kampus aq bersyukur giler ar coz hostel aq xde ar keputusan air cam hostel2 yg gak di kalangan mereka2 yg bernasib tidak berapa bertuah menumpang kat hostel aq time krisis air melanda ni.contoh paling jelas,rumet aq de bwk kwn tdo kt bilik kitorang..hu3.. bile tibe time cenggini, aq teringt lak org2 kat afrika,kat palestin,kat india n byk g tempat yang aq rase lebih teruk g keadaan dari negara kita, yg mane kt negara dorang,bkn saje sering berlaku ketiadaan air, tp keputusan bekalan makanan,mangsa peperangan dan mempunyai kadar peratusan kematian yg agak tinggi.huh...sadis gler kan?? asykuruka ya rabbi...diberi peluang untuk hidup dalam keadaan yang aman dan jauh dari sebarang kesulitan..

Friday, January 16, 2009

arghh...i miss my nieces n my nephews so much!!how i wish to be with them..huhu
Black n White....its life...